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New blog post on working cyber-securely from home by President Hans-Wilhelm Duenn

The current COVID-19 pandemic has aggravated the cyber threat situation: hackers and cybercriminals are taking advantage of the hectic situation to bombard employees with harmful cyber campaigns, such as phishing emails using the coronavirus as bait. Google alone has recorded more than 18 million malware and phishing emails and more than 240 million spam emails daily related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Hans-Wilhelm Duenn, President of the Cyber-Security Council Germany e.V., explains in his article for the “Work from Home” campaign of the Global Cyber Alliance (GCA), which is supported by the CSRD e.V., how clear rules, training and communication between employers and employees help to ensure cybersecurity when working remotely.

Learn how the right atmosphere, clear guidelines and cyber awareness can make your company safer and protect your employees!

You can find the English version of the article here:

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