Our Hubs
The hubs of the Cyber Security Council Germany e.V. are the central, subject-specific mental muscles of the association. Decision makers, members and company representatives discuss need for action in the respective sectors and strengthen networking with each other.
AI Hub
Artificial Intelligence applications will be just as commonplace in the near future as smartphones are today. It will change all areas of life and will also be an elementary success factor for cybersecurity in the face of the skills shortage and the increasing complexity of cyberspace. The AI Hub of the Cyber Security Council Germany e.V. tasks itself to accompany the advancement of AI technologies under current issues and future-oriented implications. Central to this is the positioning of cyber security as a process enabler for the secure application of AI technologies.
eHealth Hub
Telemedicine, health apps, digitised hospitals and electronic patient files. The digital transformation of the healthcare system promises more efficient, patient-friendly and nationwide available medical care. At the same time, due to their value, the used data are particularly attractive to cybercriminals and require special protection. Likewise, the systems of hospitals, whose functionality as critical infrastructure is indispensable. The eHealth Hub of the Cyber Security Council Germany e.V. deals with these associated, current issues.
Energy Hub
Blackouts caused by cyberattacks are no longer science fiction scenarios. The interconnection of energy suppliers, power plants and smart meters in personal households promises increased cost and energy efficiency, but also provides a growing target for cybercriminals. The Energy Hub of the Cyber Security Council Germany e.V. provides a platform where policymakers pursue cross-border cooperation on the security of networks and security of supply.
Insurance Hub
Prevention plays an important role in the insurability of companies’ individual cyber risk and is considered the ticket to cyber insurance. Here, there are significant differences in what measures insurers require. The benefits of cyber insurance also vary widely on the market. Benefit modules can be customized as needed based on risk. Benefit types include: Protection of accounts and means of payment, protection of identity and reputation, assistance services (protection of property and data), business interruption and third-party damage. The large differences in benefits within the insurance terms and conditions require a careful examination of the topic of cyber insurance, which the Insurance Hub takes a close look at with various experts.
MSC Hub (Management Security Compliance Hub)
Effective information security management systems (ISMS) need reliable, controlled and optimized processes that are anchored horizontally. In order to maintain a high level of ISMS in the overall organization and to comply with laws and standards, companies have to make considerable efforts. It therefore makes sense to use industry-specific implementation standards, but also to include cross-industry ideas and impulses. Automation potential based on modern digital technologies should also be used. In addition, assistance and basic versions of implementation standards are being developed to help users in practice. The aim of the MSC Hub is to bring together experts from different industries to enable the effective implementation of an ISMS. The different perspectives on the topic of information security make it possible to develop cross-industry best practice examples and implement them in your own organization. In addition, automation potentials in the implementation and maintenance of an ISMS are examined.
Startup Hub
The need for disruptive cybersecurity solutions in this country is great, as is the dependence on non-European providers. There is a great potential for innovation “made in Europe”, including data and legal certainty. Here, the Startup Hub of the Cyber Security Council Germany e.V. creates a pool of customer-oriented solutions and creates the starting point for constructive networking, deals and support frameworks with the association’s own label for startups.
Third Party Risk Management Hub
Cyberattacks on business partners and suppliers confront organizations with complex challenges. Advancing digitalization and increasing data exchange with numerous, globally distributed partners and suppliers, as well as the intrasparency regarding their security measures, lead to an intensification of incident risks. This, combined with often limited resources for adequate auditing, often results in inadequate safeguards and precautions. The focus of the Third Party Risk Management Hub is on the effective and reliable identification and reduction of information and data security risks at vendors.