Cyber-security council germany e


06 Mai: 20. Mai 2021: Cybinar „Lord of the certs. Certificates and keys in the context of cybersecurity“

Certificates and keys form the basis of almost every security product or strategy in enterprises. Nevertheless, they often lead a hidden existence in the context of cybersecurity and are considered a special topic for nerds. In practice, services unfortunately fail far too often because of retired or revoked certificates, even though these areas are supposedly managed (ISO 27001, SOX, DSGVO, NATO RM, etc.). Faulty certificates can also cause systems to be broken into, data to be encrypted, communications to be intercepted, states to exploit privileges for espionage and insecure or non-compliant products to be delivered.


02 Sep.: 21. September 2021: Hans-Wilhelm DĂŒnn im LIVE -Panel bei MSP – Congress – The European Knowledge Exchange

Der MSP-Kongress ist DIE Veranstaltung fĂŒr Managed Services Provider, Systemintegratoren, IT-SystemhĂ€user und VARs, die ĂŒber Entwicklungen im Bereich Managed (Security) Services auf dem Laufenden bleiben wollen.
Erleben Sie als Highlight Hans-Wilhelm DĂŒnn, PrĂ€sident des Cyber-Sicherheitsrat Deutschland e.V. im Panel zum Thema:
„Asymmetrisches Setting in der CyberkriminalitĂ€t: Überblick aus europĂ€ischer Perspektive – Wie können wir die SouverĂ€nitĂ€t unserer Systeme zurĂŒckgewinnen?“