Sitzung des Third Party Risk Management Hubs des Cyber-Sicherheitsrat Deutschland e.V.
Am: 6. Juli 2023 um 13:30 Uhr
In: Von-der-Heydt-StraĂe 2, 10785 BerlinÂ
We cordially invite you to the first session of the Third-Party Risk Management Hub. The Hub is dedicated to the complex challenge of how companies and organizations can protect themselves from data and information security risks at business partners and globally distributed supply chains. In addition to advancing digitalization and rising cyberattacks, there is often a lack of transparency regarding the established security measures of these partners and suppliers, which increases the risk of incidents. The Third Party Risk Management Hub focuses on identifying and reducing these risks effectively and reliably.
We look forward to inputs from:
Arslan Brömme, National Information Security Officer (Vattenfall)
Hans-Wilhelm DĂŒnn, President of the Cyber Security Council Germany e.V.
Thibault Lapédagne, Head of Cybersecurity Research (CyberVadis)
Die Teilnehmerzahl ist beschrĂ€nkt. Sehr gerne nehmen wir Ihre Anmeldung per E-Mail: (Ansprechpartner: Herr Hannes Harthun) entgegen und stehen Ihnen ggf. fĂŒr RĂŒckfragen zur VerfĂŒgung.
Wir freuen uns sehr auf den spannenden Austausch mit Ihnen.