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June 30, Berlin: Invitation to the Cyber Regulars’ Table

Bildschirmfoto 2022-05-30 um 15.38.31

Cyber-Stammtisch des Cyber-Sicherheitsrat Deutschland e.V.

Am: 30. Juni 2022, um 18:30 Uhr

Im: Gaffel Haus, Dorotheenstraße 65, 10117 Berlin

We are very pleased to invite you to our cyber regulars’ table after a break due to the pandemic. We want to meet in a relaxed atmosphere before the political summer break to exchange views with members and selected guests on current developments in the field of cybersecurity.

For the catering we allow ourselves a cost contribution of 35 euros (members) or 49 euros (guests) exkl. VAT which will be invoiced to you after registration. Please register by email (

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. We look forward to an exciting exchange with you.



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