How do I protect my hospital?
The technical development in the IT sector in the last 25 years has been enormous and has also led to completely new possibilities in the healthcare sector. This is an encouraging development, as technical advances have significantly improved the efficiency and quality of a hospital’s central business processes. However, there is also a dark side that has manifested itself dramatically in recent months: hospitals have been victims of cyber attacks.
Security measures must be constantly adapted in a race with the further development of attacker skills and technical advances. Information security must therefore be understood as a process that requires continuous attention and updating. The complexity and the number of different IT systems that have to be managed by an IT department in a hospital have increased significantly in recent decades. Medical technology systems, which used to be used as isolated technical solutions, now have to be connected to the hospitals’ medical networks in order to achieve the required level of efficiency.
If you reduce the very extensive implementation instructions, orientation aids, recommendations for action as well as the recognized standards and regulations to six essential points, which offer the greatest possible benefit and protection against cyber attacks, then these are the following six basics according to experience. The vast majority of cyber attacks can be prevented or significantly reduced in impact by taking these steps.
In this guide, which is continuously updated in line with current technological developments and the latest findings, the Cyber Security Council Germany e.V., with the kind support of our member AuraSec GmbH, presents the most important measures.
Sincerely yours

Head of eHealth-Hub
Cyber-Sicherheitsrat Deutschland e.V.

Cyber-Sicherheitsrat Deutschland e.V.