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Urgent need for action in IT security: BSI situation report reveals serious risks

Commenting on today’s presentation of the status report of the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) on IT security in Germany, Hans-Wilhelm Dünn, President of the Cyber Security Council Germany e.V., said:

“The worrisome threat situation described by the Interior Minister is undoubtedly there – but it is not reflected in the federal government’s efforts to increase cybersecurity for business and society.”

During the reporting period, around 250,000 new variants of malware were discovered every day, as well as 70 new security vulnerabilities, an increase of 24 percent compared to the same period last year. In view of the geopolitically tense situation, the increasing professionalization of cybercriminals and the digitalization permeating all areas of society, current measures are not enough.

“In this situation, cutting the BSI’s budget by 6.3 percent for 2024 does not meet the threat situation. In addition to adequate funding, the BSI finally needs to be upgraded to a central agency, as agreed two years ago in the coalition agreement, in order to be able to counter the growing threats in cyberspace in a coordinated manner. The presentation of the report may be an annual representative appointment for the minister, but what is needed much more is a daily updated picture of the situation regarding cyber security in order to correctly assess dangers and to sensitize the economy and society”.

, says Hans-Wilhelm Dünn.

The Cyber Security Council Germany e.V. was founded in August 2012 by well-known personalities. The Berlin-based association is politically neutral and advises companies, public authorities and political decision-makers in the field of cyber security. The association’s members include large and medium-sized companies, operators of critical infrastructures as well as federal states and federal institutions, experts and political decision-makers with a connection to the topic of cyber security.

V.i.S.d.P.: Hans-Wilhelm Dünn, Präsident, Cyber-Sicherheitsrat Deutschland e.V.

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