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NIS2 directive: German government delays its own timetable, putting additional pressure on affected companies

The implementation law for the European NIS2 directive to strengthen cyber security is entering the departmental vote of the German government. Hans-Wilhelm Dünn, President of the Cyber Security Council Germany e.V., comments:

“While implementation deadlines for businesses remain ambitious, the Interior Department is already allowing itself to tear up its own timeline in the legislative process.”

Originally, the draft was to be approved by the cabinet before the summer break. The procedure is now also delaying the participation of the federal states and the associations.
Under the current draft bill, the number of facilities affected by minimum cybersecurity requirements will increase six-fold to approximately 29,000. In addition, the draft provides far-reaching increases in competencies for the BSI. Hans-Wilhelm Dünn on this:

“The fact that managing directors of particularly important institutions can be temporarily relieved of their duties by the BSI in the future underscores that cybersecurity is a matter for the boss. Companies should already use the time to adapt their own security measures in order to meet the implementation deadlines.”

The Cyber Security Council Germany e.V. was founded in August 2012 by well-known personalities. The Berlin-based association is politically neutral and advises companies, public authorities and political decision-makers in the field of cyber security. The association’s members include large and medium-sized companies, operators of critical infrastructures as well as federal states and federal institutions, experts and political decision-makers with a connection to cyber security. Through its members, the association represents more than three million employees from the business community and nearly two million members from associations and clubs. V.i.S.d.P.: Hans-Wilhelm Dünn, Präsident, Cyber-Sicherheitsrat Deutschland e.V.

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