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Cyber agenda tightens competencies and puts legislators in charge

Commenting on the cyber agenda published today by the Ministry of the Interior and Home Affairs, the President of the Cyber Security Council Germany e.V., Hans-Wilhelm Dünn, said:

The Interior Ministry’s plans are ambitious – and urgently needed. The cyber agenda makes it clear that cyber security can be enhanced first and foremost through clear structures, responsibilities and powers. With the BSI as a central agency anchored in the Grundgesetz, competencies are bundled and rapid response capabilities are prepared. Long overdue is the application of the principle of “security by design and by default” in the federal administration and the creation of the position of Chief Information Security Officer for the federal government.

Second, the cyber agenda promises more resources for securing critical infrastructure operators, better technical equipment for public authorities and increased research funding. The 100-billion special fund missed the opportunity to budget for these essentially important projects. It is now important that the coalition not only pursues cybersecurity with good intentions, but also ensures funding in the legislative process that is commensurate with its importance.

The Cyber Security Council Germany e.V. was founded in August 2012 by well-known personalities. The Berlin-based association is politically neutral and advises companies, public authorities and political decision-makers in the field of cyber security. The association’s members include large and medium-sized companies, operators of critical infrastructures as well as federal states and federal institutions, experts and political decision-makers with a connection to cyber security. Through its members, the association represents more than three million employees from the business community and nearly two million members from associations and clubs.

V.i.S.d.P.: Hans-Wilhelm Dünn, Präsident, Cyber-Sicherheitsrat Deutschland e.V.

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