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President Hans-Wilhelm Dünn comments on the BSI’s 2021 report on IT security in Germany


Hans-Wilhelm Dünn, President of the Cyber Security Council Germany e.V., was live today as an expert on WELT-TV. After the press conference with Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer and BSI President Arne Schönbohm on the current 2021 situation report on IT security in Germany, Dünn said: “You have to take the BSI President’s warnings seriously: We have a red alert in the municipalities. Only 10 to 12 percent even have an IT security concept. This is a problem because the population’s most important data is located there. This makes them particularly interesting for attackers. We have to do our homework with the municipalities while they are fighting for skilled workers and larger budgets. There is a great field of attack there that stands open like doors.”

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